A Water Project Dream Takes Shape

Lira, Uganda

Our field supervisor Patrick Alobo made RHI aware of the critical need for clean water access in the midst of three overlapping villages in central Lira, a district in Northern Uganda with a population of 250,000. The well had failed, and people had to walk for miles to get water, and wait in long lines, often sending children, forcing them to miss out on school attendance. A proposal was initiated and a generous donor stepped up to fund the project to provide continuity of clean water to over 15,000 men, women, and children, as well as their domestic farm animals and vegetables. The Arthur and Harriet Chagnon Water Project was completed on May 15, 2019 to the delight of the families of thousands. A 40 foot water tower and tank was constructed of concrete block supporting a 800 gallon tank. The well was hand dug by local water engineers who placed an electric and manual pump in the same shaft. The electric pump is powered by an gas generator which will be replaced with a solar cell when funds become available. The manual pump allows residents to fill their cans while others wait in line for the two fill stations under the tower. Having three fill stations keeps the wait times to a minimum allowing children to remain in school. Large farm animals can also be watered by filling small ponds next to the tower. Our school also is enjoying water supply from the water tank providing head pressure from the elevated tank. We are so thankful for the partnership of our donors, Morning Star Ministries, and RHI leadership to make this project come together so quickly. From start to finish the entire project came together in less than 45 days from funding to completion and 100% of the donation went to the project with 0% overhead for administration.


Brave orphan steps forward to appeal for help


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Kaabong, Uganda- Every once and awhile someone steps forward and says what really needs to be said. In this case a young female orphan in the midst of her own suffering and struggle for survival appeals for support to help the children of her village. This is true leadership, not grandstanding, as she is passionate and articulate about the critical need to have education fees paid for street orphans. She tells of her own pain briefly as an example of the need but does not make it the focus. She is excited for what she is witnessing as she states her prayers and the prayers of many have been answered because our team has returned to keep their promise to bring medicine and treatment to the village. Let us keep up our vigilance of looking for the most vulnerable populations in the region forgotten or overlooked by big aid for various reasons. Let us remember what a difference our support can make to real people who are desperate to be noticed and loved by their neighbors. Let us love our global neighbors by empowering them to care for those in the greatest need. Ugandans are ready and willing to help weak and helpless victims of war, famine, and displacement.

Daniel Nichols, President

Medical Care brings a Smile and Hope

Lira, Uganda- In 2016 RHI delivered its first vehicle to Uganda in the form of a Land Cruiser with seating for eight adults. This was the first automobile of any kind anyone in this community of Christians has owned. The church now uses this vehicle to deliver everything imaginable including immediately putting it to work to open a dozen wells that had laid broken for up to seven years. Up to 50,000 people are now enjoying freshly pumped clean water because of their willingness to put this vehicle to use and serve the communities surrounding them with the love of Jesus Christ, their Lord. 

They have also transformed the way people are receiving medical attention by offering free care and medicine. Overseen by our capable Ugandan nurse who has trained a number of other Ugandans to administer wound care, check blood pressure, and blood sugar for diabetes. Thousands of villagers have received free care who have no means to get treatment.

This great team has also delivered emergency aid to stressed communities along the boarder of Kenya and Sudan, finding people in starving conditions, at the brink of death. RHI supports these efforts to save lives and bring food security to the region through better farming practices, irrigation, and seed supply.