Uganda overview

Our work is focused on the large rural community of Lira located in Northern Uganda. Lira has suffered from years of civil war, drought, and generational poverty. Due to conflicts in the area, aid is often focused in southern Uganda which has left the north largely without support. However, RHI has stepped in to help restore hope, health and dignity within this region. 


Clean Water

We are committed to re-opening and maintaining wells in Lira to support whole communities and specifically the woman and children who are often tasked with walking many miles, often in unsafe conditions to collect water. Well water is used for crops and livestock as well as for human consumption. We are focused on ensuring there are local, clean water sources which are maintained. Many of the wells we reopen were first installed by other well meaning non-profits but, unfortunately not maintained. As a result the average well fails within two years. We re-open these wells and ensure their maintenance.  With your help we will provide safe drinking water to every person within their neighborhoods throughout Northern Uganda.  


Health Services

We support a mobile team of registered Ugandan nurses who make weekly visits to remote villages in the region. We ship in medicine and resources used by the mobile team who provide check-ups, first-aid, immunizations, women's health services, and more. Most individuals within these communities do not have any other access to medical care. 


Economic Development

We provide micro loans to women in the area to establish their own small businesses. One of our most successful endeavors is supporting women to procure grain from the larger city and resell in within smaller, rural communities. 



We support Morning Star orphanage which cares for children who have lost parents due to war, famine, sickness, disease, or abandonment. We are committed to the health, care, and education of all children at Morning Star. Currently 19 children live at the orphanage and another 120 children live with families and are helped by this organization with financial support.



Because of the high number of orphans who attend our private school it is called Morningstar Orphanage School. Our goal is to support the teachers with higher pay than the average so we retain the highest quality teachers for the student’s benefit. It cost just $15 per month to support a child to go to school and $30 per month to support a teacher.


Church Development

We have helped to establish and support nine churches within the region. These church communities provide social, emotional, and spiritual help for over 1,200 church members. Many of the leaders within the church are local women. Every month these members volunteer to care for children at the orphanage, deliver food to widows, and provide medical care in a mobile clinic. Over 90 leaders provide the backbone of what we do at RHI and we are grateful for the partnership.